Environmental, Social & Governance

Given the latest trends in environmental, social and governance issues, our company management is focusing on improvements in a variety of key areas and implemented an action plan in January 2022 with the aim of achieving all targets by 2024.


  • Monitoring and compliance with the latest climate and environmental regulations;
  • Focusing on the management of energy and waste;
  • Introducing circularity in product design;


  • Focusing on the health, safety, and well-being of all employees, as well as providing training and reskilling programs;
  • Fostering diversity, fairness and inclusivity for all employees;
  • Creating social value in local communities;


  • Evaluating sustainability at every point in the supply chain through periodic audits that include ESG factors and set objectives for improved performance;
  • Investing in new technology and preparing to address physical risks that might result in the interruption of the supply chain;
  • Monitoring and complying with the complex array of regulations that govern product safety and sustainability;

Download the ISO 14001 Certificate and IATF Certificate.

Solar Power

We have completed the installation of the 1600 kW industrial photovoltaic system which allows us to self-produce energy. In fact, during the week the energy produced is entirely used to cover the plant’s energy consumption, while on weekends the excess is fed into the grid.

This project, which began in December 2021, was successfully concluded in the summer of 2022, and has since guaranteed us a significant reduction in energy costs and a significant contribution to corporate sustainability. We are now evaluating further expansions, upgrades and innovative technologies to improve energy efficiency and increase our renewable generation capacity.

Work With Volare

We’ve strengthened our relationship with Volare, an association that has been active for years in sustaining socially useful sports projects for people with disabilities. We believe in the philosophy of sports for everyone, and the activities carried out by Volare contribute to this by increasing the physical and mental independence of the athletes in the association.

Code Of Ethics

This Code of Ethics was written to ensure that the core ethical values of Util are clearly defined and form an integral part of the company culture and to establish standards of conduct for directors, employees, and anyone specifically authorized to represent the company in its relations with third parties and as it carries out its own activities.

We work to ensure that customers, suppliers, external collaborators and the company’s business partners also comply with the principles enshrined in this Code of Ethics.

The Code of Ethics must be interpreted as a “Charter of fundamental rights and responsibilities” through which the company affirms and clarifies its ethical and social responsibility and its efforts on behalf of the various internal and external stakeholders, as required by Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001. 231 /2001.

Supervisory Body, Pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001

  • Ms. Maria Grazia Pellerino
  • Mr. Giuseppe Desiderato
  • Ms. Paola Sacchi

Download the code of ethics


News from the world of Util

Keep up to date on our latest activities, events and initiatives.

21 May 2024News

UTIL is pleased to announce the new partnership for the development, growth and consolidation of the production base of Util Industries S.p.A.

20 March 2023News

The 3-year research and development program focuses on the design of

13 February 2023News

The ability to learn and develop oneself further is by far the most important quality a professional


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    Innovazione e tecnologia d’avanguardia a livello Globale.
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